28 Clownshoes later...

(Note: This is spoilertastic so if you don't want to know anything about the movie skip this blog)
The other day Jayzilla told me that he saw 28 days later and he thought it was fucking clown shoes so I was worried that the movie would suck. Saturday night I went to see it with W and thought it was entertaining but had some issues but if you didn't really think about anything in the movie it was all good.

Now today I saw it again with a group of people who hadn't seen it yet and being that I saw it already a lot of the flaws and holes of the movie became more noticeable and the movie slowly became clown shoes.

Here are a few things that bugged the crap out of me:
The father of the kids in the movie was everywhere, couldn't they just show him get infected and then at the end? Why did he have to be everywhere?

And what exactly did the father do that he 'ran the place'? He had access to everything but what the hell did he do there?

Why was he the only one who could think? Heck why could he think? The virus was supposed to cause a person to be filled with blind super intense violence but he was going off on his own hunting his kids down.

And the army pens up all the people and doesn't guard them? They just get put in a room and locked in? From one side? Damn father just strolls in the back way?
The father can break down doors but a group of infected can't bust through a car window?

Then you have the two kids fall down some stairs and they get lost and separated? That just makes no sense they freaking fell down the same flight of stairs and its not like they can roll away.

I don't want to even put more thought into the movie I just want it to be brainless fun.

The first few minutes were great though.